The Circle of Love evolved from the Centers for Spiritual Living Eastern Conference, nourishing hearts and minds for over 40 years. Let music, nature, laughter and inspired teachers open the doors to your awakened heart.
The Circle of Love Gathering inspires, nourishes, and deepens our connection to each other, the planet, and to all that is Sacred.
Whether you are just beginning or have long been on your spiritual journey, The Circle of Love provides an oasis for the soul. It offers spiritual nourishment outside of a traditional religious framework and combines ample opportunity for introspection/meditation with inspiring talks, music, workshops, and experiential engagement.
Each retreat is a 3 to 5 day event that invites participants into a direct experience of love by developing
- Awareness (body/mind/spirit)
- Connection (to self, Source, and nature) and
- Expression (movement, art, and music.)
It is a joy-filled gathering that unfolds in a beautiful environment to deepen into the authentic Self. Music, meditation, art, time in nature, writing (personal journals), movement, laughter, and inspired mentors nourish the soul.
Though the locations vary, each event brings its unique beauty, featured musicians and presenters, and every Circle of Love experience is a gift to your heart, mind, and spirit.
Join us!
Our Vision
Our Mission
The Circle of Love Gathering is an oasis for the soul, a place where people come together to deepen their connection within, to each other, the planet and all that is sacred. Music creates the cocoon where transformation happens. Laughter, creativity and deep wisdom ignite the expression of love. The Circle of Love offers the direct experience of love and divine presence. More mystical than “educational,” more experiential than “academic,” this unique enriching experience occurs several times a year throughout North America, always in a beautiful setting surrounded by nature. Join us!
Many people make the Circle of Love Gathering a soul-filled success. There are a few of us who work behind the scenes to bring it all together, with love and care.

Lisa Ferraro
Lisa is the Managing Director for The Circle of Love Gatherings. She has been singing and performing since childhood. She has debuted original music with Marvin Hamlisch and has performed in Spiritual Centers and New Thought conferences across the US and Canada, and the Parliment of the Worlds Religions in Melbourne, Australia.

Dr. David Leonard
Inspired teacher and speaker, Dr. Rev. David Leonard, embodies heart-centered living. As a courageous example of authentic being and co-director of the Circle of Love Gathering, he has guided thousands of students across North America on a Spirit-centered journey. Currently, he is the senior minister at the Center for Spiritual Living in Huntsville, AL.

Erika Luckett
Erika was an internationally acclaimed composer, musician, and educator. She grew up in a fluid crosscurrent of cultures, developing an early appreciation of the power of music to transform lives. She has performed in Spiritual Centers and New Thought conferences across the US and Canada. Erika passed on October 24th, 2018. She is greatly missed.
We strive to open your hearts and awaken your minds. We work with the very best spiritual musicians, speakers, artists, poets, and workshop facilitators. Together, as spiritual warriors, we will bring you the highest level of awakening, joy, laughter, and fun that we possibly can.
“The Circle of Love Gathering is a joyous and warm experience of friends, consciousness, music, depth, connection and freedom. There is something special and a bit hard to define that is completely nourishing to the soul.”
“Save this time to retreat, allowing all the walls and all the doing to cease. This time is designed for you simply to reveal what is already within, so you may deeply experience and recognize your True Essential Self: The Self that knows no walls and is free. This True Self arises and shines when we take the time to nurture, cultivate and celebrate it! When you return home, you naturally share the heart that has been awakened!”
“I have never been to an event that has changed me so intensely for the good. The combination of professional, spiritual music, speakers, workshops and mandala art was powerful. I left on such a spiritual high that I knew I would come back again and again. I woke up singing many of the songs I heard for months. I made friends from all over. Don’t miss this opportunity to awaken your heart and deepen the love in your soul.
From Gary Lynn Floyd