“Out beyond the ideas of right thinking and wrong thinking, there is a Field. When the soul lies down in that Field, words are unnecessary, even the idea “each other” does not exist. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi
Meet us in this Field of pure awareness, the vast and spacious Love of the Universe. As we make an intention to have a quiet heart and a clear eye we naturally expand and open to That Love and Light that is always there. We entrain our hearts to each other and discover anew the ancient yet imminent Presence in which we all abide and exist, seemingly separate but essentially One.
We offer a direct experience through this RENDEZVOUS WITH LOVE
Through a total immersion meditation experience, we return to this Field that Rumi pointed to. Set your intention to join us. Commit to the Love that you are. Practice being what you are and seeing with the eyes of love.
“Love sees only love, and only love sees love.” ~ Ernest Holmes
Please rendezvous with us as we return to the Source of our Being and the Heart of Love.
David Leonard

Inspired teacher and speaker, Dr. Rev. David Leonard, embodies heart-centered living.
As a courageous example of authentic being and co-director of the Circle of Love Gathering, he has guided thousands of students across North America on a Spirit-centered journey. Currently, he is the senior minister at the Center for Spiritual Living in Huntsville, Alabama.
Lisa Ferraro

Internationally celebrated Singer and Songwriter, Speaker, Retreat facilitator, Music director Writer and Personal Growth & Empowerment Coach, Lisa Ferraro brings her broad experience, talent and humor to awakening humanity through a consciousness of love and oneness.
A masterful orchestrator of energy and consciousness, her teaching style is engaging and heart opening.
Lisa is a Spiritual mentor and coaches individuals, executives and teams on Mindfulness & Meditation.
Graduating Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Child Psychology from Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA, Lisa combined her passion for spirituality with psychology. In 1999 she founded SoulCall, a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of foster children and at risk youth.
Recently, Lisa began a collaboration with long time friend and inspired artist, Natalia Zukerman. While still in its nascent stage, their combined efforts are proving to be undeniably powerful, infectiously joyful and deeply connected to Spirit. This collaboration is called SeekHer: collaborative, conscious, collective gatherings with meditation, music, movement, learning, co-creating, deep listening, respectful, safe discovery and able all, boundless joy. Be on the lookout for a new recording in early 2020!
Graduating Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Child Psychology from Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA, Lisa combined her passion for spirituality with psychology. In 1999 she founded SoulCall, a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of foster children and at risk youth.
Lisa is Co-Director of The Circle of Love Gathering (alongside Dr. David Leonard) and facilitates retreats, conferences, and workshops on Self Mastery Through Creativity around the world.
Experience our amazing, spiritual and talented partners:
Gary Lynn Floyd
Gary Lynn Floyd is an American singer-songwriter who connects straight to the heart and lifts up a room with his inspirational lyrics and soulful style.
He sings deep and meaningful music and shares these songs like a gift to audiences across the country. His style is a mix of pop, rhythm, and blues, combining silky vocals with powerful lyrics.
It is Gary’s openness to divine inspiration that fuels his endless supply of musical
ideas create his heart-opening lyrics and is the light that shines through his
performances. With his piano and microphone, Gary is a catalyst for positive
change and raises the collective vibration not only through his music but also
through his welcoming presence on stage.
Kathy Rausch
Mandala Artist, Workshop Facilitator and Public Speaker and Author of “Activate Divine Creativity: The Life-Changing Magic of the Mandala”
Kathy wrote, “Activate Divine Creativity: The Life-Changing Magic of the Mandala” to help women and men become mindful and find joy in their everyday lives.
Teaching others to doodle mandalas brings Kathy great joy and helps balance her life, she hopes others will get a sense of balance and joy from the process as well.
Kathy has been painting, drawing, doodling, and creating mandalas of all kinds since 2000. She is a guest speaker and artist at retreats and conferences around the world bringing the magic of community art and mandalas to the attendees.
All attendees will receive a copy of her book, learn to draw their own mandala and be a part of a GIANT community mandala created just for Circle of Love.
Jesse Powers
Singer Song-Writer Extraordinaire
Jesse embodies the energy of spirituality, love, joy, and creativity. Her voice is like an angel, powerful and divine.
Jesse began singing at an early age and has performed in musicals around the country. Her journey with new-thought began at a young age when she ventured into the Columbus Center for Spiritual Living while performing and working at a local theatre. She is unique in that she preferred to hang out with spiritual people at such a young age.
Her voice and talent were obvious to the music team immediately and she embraced the opportunities to perform. Jesse has been singing, writing and performing at CCSL ever since. Jesse has embraced her music ministry and has become a leader with national CSL teens.
Natalia Zukerman
Musician, painter and educator Natalia Zukerman grew up in New York City, studied art at Oberlin, started her mural business Off The Wall in San Francisco, began her songwriting career in Boston, and now resides, writes, plays, teaches and paints in Brooklyn, NY.
Having released seven independent albums on Weasel Records and her own label Talisman Records, Zukerman has toured internationally as a solo performer since 2005.
Her music can be heard on the soundtrack of several seasons of The L Word and ABC Family’s Chasing Life. She also created the score for The Arch of Titus, an independent film created for Yeshiva University and a Harvard online course called Poetry in America.
In May 2018, she was the artist in residence at the cell theatre in New York City where she developed her multimedia one woman show, The Women Who Rode Away. She has since released the soundtrack and accompanying book of the show and is currently on tour throughout North America in support of that project.
Carisa Holmes
Carisa is a trained singer and flutist. Along with being a performer of the healing arts, author, artist and creativity coach.
Carisa’s mission is to facilitate the birth of creative power and to promote the acknowledgment and recognition of the creative arts as vehicles for self-expression, healing, and evolution.
She helps artists, aspiring artists, and wise entrepreneurs of all types to tap into their creative power, release blocks, and step into being more of who they really are.
“The Circle of Love Gathering is a joyous and warm experience of friends, consciousness, music, depth, connection and freedom. There is something special and a bit hard to define that is completely nourishing to the soul.”
“Save this time to retreat, allowing all the walls and all the doing to cease. This time is designed for you simply to reveal what is already within, so you may deeply experience and recognize your True Essential Self: The Self that knows no walls and is free. This True Self arises and shines when we take the time to nurture, cultivate and celebrate it! When you return home, you naturally share the heart that has been awakened!”
“I have never been to an event that has changed me so intensely for the good. The combination of professional, spiritual music, speakers, workshops and mandala art was powerful. I left on such a spiritual high that I knew I would come back again and again. I woke up singing many of the songs I heard for months. I made friends from all over. Don’t miss this opportunity to awaken your heart and deepen the love in your soul.
From Gary Lynn Floyd